Cynthia Hsiao2月16日讀畢需時 4 分鐘Does History Matter?Do we have to care about the history? Why do we bother to study the past? It is always an interesting debate in education. The dates, the...
Cynthia Hsiao2021年7月11日讀畢需時 5 分鐘Young Innovator Workshop距離從英國畢業返鄉已一年半載,當時抵台是二零年一月底,緊接疫情爆發,從此再未出過國。休息三個月便回歸職場,進入廣告代理商擔任副藝術指導一職,算是階段性完成出國唸書前所立下的規劃與目標。先前遇過早期曾在廣代工作的前輩說:「做廣告還需要唸到碩士喔?」對我而言,取得碩士學位只是一...
Cynthia Hsiao2020年5月8日讀畢需時 4 分鐘What They Didn't Teach You In Design SchoolI have been reading ‘What They Didn’t Teach You In Design School’ written by Phil Cleaver, who is a multi-award winning designer. It...
Cynthia Hsiao2019年6月8日讀畢需時 5 分鐘Steal Like An ArtistI went to London for second time during New Year. Basically, I was all alone and surprisingly figured out what type of trip would be my...