Cynthia HsiaoFeb 164 min readDoes History Matter?Do we have to care about the history? Why do we bother to study the past? It is always an interesting debate in education. The dates, the...
Cynthia HsiaoFeb 13, 202011 min read我在英國里茲與倫敦・留學生涯最終章二零一九年十二月的畢業典禮,我正式以最高榮譽資格取得英國里茲大學廣告設計的碩士學位(MA Advertising and Design in University of Leeds with Distinction)。 同年九月結束畢業製作之後,我搬到了倫敦,希望能利用剩下...
Cynthia HsiaoJun 17, 20196 min readThe Art of Austrian HistoryDuring the time I travelled in Austria, I visited Hallstatt - the most picturesque town where the oldest salt mine is. Also, I had a...
Cynthia HsiaoApr 28, 20185 min read英國留學(上)・從零到一二十五歲這一年,我決定離鄉背井。 下定決心的那一刻,有些興奮喜悅、也有些緊張不安,還有一些隨之而來的徬徨,以及對未知的期待與恐懼。這種感覺與初入職場很相似,都是對於未來的幻想憧憬和即將實踐理想的那股悸動。 從事將近五年的商業設計,我發現我的生活已徹徹底底與設計緊密結合,當我...